Malawi 2015 – Five Weeks and Counting

As I prepare to lead a team of four back to the prisons of Malawi I am both excited and heartbroken. I am excited to see my brothers in Malawi again – I haven’t seen them since June of 2012. I’m also excited to be able share the country of Malawi with three of my dear friends and ministry partners from Washington. Malawi is one of the most beautiful countries in Africa and the people live up to the country’s namesake “The Warm Heart of Africa”.

However, I am also heartbroken when I recall the conditions of the prisons I saw when I was there last time. Men sleeping on top of each other, laying on their sides and waking every hour so everyone can turn over at the same time; One latrine in the corner of the cell of 250 men, a cell designed to hold 80 inmates; The smell of food cooking, a large batch of Nsima to feed 1,000 men in the prison, a meal almost void of any nutrition, a meal that will fill the stomach through the night until they are released to come out of their cell in the morning after 12 ½ hours locked up with practically no light; conditions almost designed to spread diseases like Tuberculosis.

This will be my ninth overseas campaign with Prisoners for Christ, my sixth time to the prisons of Africa. I feel so blessed to be able to serve in this way. I get to travel with Greg for the fifth time and it will be my second time with Scott. I’m really excited for Nathan to join me, this will be his first overseas prison ministry campaign and the first time I will be able to serve with someone from my home church. I’m prayerful I will be found faithful as I lead these men for God’s glory.

As the day of departure approaches I will post more updates, and certainly during our time away when I will try to update daily. Stay tuned and keep praying.